Snippets of my adventures as I explore the world around me. Here are a collection of my hiking stories, my travels and my mind's meanderings.

Chasing the Sun | Norway
Oda and I go chasing the sun around western Norway. This summer, our adventures include an overnight hike at the famous Trolltunga rock formation and the Dronninstien trail in Vestland.

Norwegian Lompe Hot Dogs
Pølse med lompe is a traditional way to eat hotdogs in Norway, and an easy meal to make on a hike.

Hiking over Vidden in Bergen
A day spent hiking over the Norwegian highlands, the Fjellstrekninger, just above the city of Bergen.

Trekking Norway Part II: Hiking Aurlandsdalen
A 17km hike along the scenic trail of Aurlandsdalen in western Norway.

Trekking Norway Part I: Hiking Hardangervidda
Hiking and wild camping in Hardangervidda plateau, Norway’s largest national park.